Saturday, March 3, 2012

Worst Tattoo Customer Ever

So here is a video of a tattoo client that is apparently going through the worst pain in her life. I mean OMG she sounds like this guy is carving her like a holloween pumpkin. I am a tsttoo artist and I know it is really annoying when a client is noisy but this lady takes it to a whole new level. The way she is screaming you would think that she is giving birth and being mauled to death while watching an eppisode of Wendy Williams.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bad breath while getting a tattoo

Hey geys its me Superb sorry for taking so long with my next post. Updates to the How Tattoo blog coming soon so stay tuned. What i want to talk about tonight is Bad breath. Not just any ole bad breath. I mean tattoo clients with that extreme bad breath. See here's the think normal bad breath isn't as bad because you can walk away when the bad breath hits you. example: Me: hey man whats up. Person with the bad breath: hey Superb whats good? Me: * walks away very fast. However when your doing a tattoo on some one that has bad breath its totally different because you cant go anywhere. You have to sit there and only hope that this person does not talk. Man true story I did a tattoo on this guy the other day and his breath smelled like a combination of old T.Vs and the piss on the back of your toilet. I mean damn I have to start handing out mints before each tattoos. Tell me how you feel about this and share this post on your social sites.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Tattoo!

        All information in this blog comes from "how
to tattoo the complete guide for tattoo freaks"
But I will also express my personal opinions
based on my experience as a new tattoo artist.

A tattoo is nothing more than ink deposited under the skin how it gets there is another matter all together. the following will be an overview of how modern tattooing achieves the desired affect.

First time getting a tattoo? Click Here for awesome tattoo designs that you will love for a life time.
First time getting a tattoo? Click Here for awesome tattoo designs that you will love for a life time.

Into The Skin
Tattoo needles will pierce the skin approximately 1/16 of an inch, in the dermis. the skin is made up of layers. as a tattooist you must be concerned with the first five epidermal skin layers. Those layers are the Epidermis, Fibrosis, Dermis, Subcutaneous fat, and muscle.

The Epidermis is or outer layer of skin protects against the environment.

The Dermis or middle layer of skin is responsible for structure and support and the Subcutaneous Fat layer is primarily responsible for insulation and shock absorbency. The Epidermis is divided into tree sub layers: the Stratum Corneum, the Squamous Cell, and the Basil Cell layer.

The Stratum Corneum  consists of several layers of dead Squamous cells and varies in thickness depending on location of the body. The thickest layers being on the bottom of the feet. The Stratum Corneum
becomes thicker with age and exposure to the environment.
It is also important to use sun blocks that tends to reside in this layer. It is desirable to stop the ultraviolet light from the sun at the surface of the skin rather than allowing it to penetrate into the skin. UV from the sun that penetrate into the skin can cause several types of damage including fading of the tattoo ink.

The Squamous Cell layer is the middle of the epidermis and is the center for new skin growth. Skin cells grow and multiply in this layer and are constantly pushed outward to eventually die and become part of the Stratum Corneum.

The Basil Cell layer is the birthplace of new epidermal skin cells. basil cells receive a chemical message when the skin is damaged or when the stratum corneum loses too many cells and becomes thinner than it is supposed to be. This results in the basil cells dividing and differentiating to form new skin cells and start the outward movement that results in new skin development.

When you are tattooed, the skin is stretched taught. This prevents knotting in the outlining. The ink is deposited into the dermis region, and when the skin heals the ink can be seen due to the transparency of the skin cells. Tattoo ink must be deposited in the dermis ( just below the epidermis layer), because if the ink is too shallow in the skin, in the outer layers, it will fade with time as those skin cells are replaced. If it is too deep it will lose its shape and form with time in the fat layer. Fat cells contract and grow with time and the ink will move, causing a distorted image. Stencils are applied to unstressed ski. The area should be in a natural state, don't flex your muscles while the stencil is being applied. Once the stencil is in place, the skin is continuously stretched taught while tattooing happens. If the skin is not stretched the needles can actually bounce off of the skin and not penetrate, or the needles can catch the skin causing it to tear, both results in a poor tattoo. Stay tune for the the next session on how to tattoo........

If you are interested in learning how to Tattoo Click Here!
Do you really want to become a Tattooist? Click Here!